L' main objective of the plan of Yerger residence is to capture the east main sight towards Camelback Mountain. The plan of the plan is to use architectonic concrete on base in floating steel sheet. L' income of the house is that from the road door and through a koi pond in order to distinguish it knows it main public main suite at the same time to it and, to offer a calm space. It knows it main social activity of this house with…
L' main objective of the plan of Yerger residence is to capture the east main sight towards Camelback Mountain. The plan of the plan is to use architectonic concrete on base in floating steel sheet. L' income house is that from the road door and through a koi pond in order to distinguish it knows it main public main suite at the same time to it and, to offer a calm space. The concept of open knows it main social activity of this house using space, this configuration takes a beautiful sight Camelback Mountain in this room on loan. This configuration supported from the wide flowing doors in glass that render this room has a disinhibited perfect sight. The rooms of the hosts also planned in the concept of open-space, its debit the sight according to the configuration of this house. The space I bathe and ripostiglio situated along the prospect the west. Plan: The Residence Yerger Locality: Phoenix, Arizona Architects: Chen + situated Suchart web Study - http://www.chensuchartstudio.com/ Photography: Bill Timmerman di Timmerman Photography - http://www.billtimmerman.com/ Master the suite planned various from other spaces of life because the reason of the privacy. The bedroom and I bathe padronale situated in a space of advanced level to that one of study and space of life that in the level of entrance like same. The main bedroom has a specific sight angle that has flowing door in glass for l' outside of this house. Because of the reason privacy, master the suite is separated and concentrated in the external space, without to lose a beautiful sight Camelback Mountain from the main bedroom. The concrete garage is based CIP and leads to a garden submergeeed in the courtyard of this house. L' exercise area can be open towards the garden for the activities all' opened. The submergeeed garden to create a space of external cooling for l' exercise all' open air dall' exercise inner. The inner ones rifiniti with materials of quality highly refined, millwork wengè lucid, white man marble of Carrara, not directional controsoffitti in stainless steel, pavement in terrazzo. The focus of the plan it is to maintain a sight main of Camelback Mountain, but the job also to try to establish the new series of contrasting spaces.
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